The Unwanted Fire Ant and other Local Ants

Welcome to the ATX Pest Podcast, episode 6, ants. Ants are the most common issue that everyone deals with. It’s the number one call that a pest control company gets, been that way for many years and will always continue to be that. Ants are a big nuisance, especially here in the South with the […]

The ATX Pest Podcast: Winning the War on Mosquitoes in Your Backyard

Welcome to the ATX Pest Podcast, episode 5, mosquitoes Everybody’s Favorite. You’ve probably heard of mosquitoes being called the deadliest animal on the planet, and that would be true, so we’re going to discuss them a little bit today. So we’re going to discuss them a little bit today the good, the bad, the ugly […]

The ATX Pest Podcast: Safeguarding Your Home from Scorpions in Austin, TX

Welcome to the ATX Pest Podcast, episode 4, scorpions. Everybody loves scorpions, right? I don’t think so. So today I’m going to talk a little bit about them, some little tidbits on them, and then we’re going to talk about how you can prevent them from being in your home and freaking your family out. […]

The ATX Pest Podcast: Termite Invasion Tactics and Home Defense

Welcome to the ATX Pest Podcast, episode 2, subterranean Termites. So it is the beginnings of swarm season for termites right now. We’re actually getting quite a few calls. The last couple days Kind of just popped, which is pretty normal. We had a really mild winter so it was kind of really it’s about […]