How To Remove Spiders From Austin Texas Home

Hello, and welcome to the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast. I want to thank you for tuning in today. This is Damian. So cobweb removal is one of the most important things that we do as a pest control company. Signs You Have a Spider Infestation Spiders are one of the biggest complaints other than ants […]

Does Austin Texas Have Rover Ants

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Texas Homes Hello and welcome to the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast. This is Damian, I want to thank you for tuning in today. You know one of the most frequent calls that we get as a pest control company, the specially this time of year in the spring, […]

The Joro Spider: Invasive Species In Austin Texas

Hello and welcome to the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast. This is Damian, well not that the agent, the killer Asian hornet wasn’t enough. Making news again, this is something that’s been around for a while on the east coast, but they’re making news again for some reason. But there’s a, a spider. And they call […]

How Do Insects Breathe?

Hello, welcome to the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast today. This is Damian, I want to thank you for tuning in. Have you ever wondered how insects breathe? How Do Insects Breathe? Well, I’m here to tell you that they don’t breathe like us humans whatsoever. Matter of fact, it’s actually pretty interesting how they do. […]

The Legend of the Christmas Spider For All Of Austin Texas

Hello, welcome to the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast. This is Damian, I want to thank you all for tuning in. Today I’m gonna do something a little bit different because it’s the holidays, Christmas is upon us. I’m gonna tell you a little Christmas story. It’s actually called the legend of the Christmas spider, believe […]

That 1 Painter Austin Texas, Community Spotlight #1

Damien Niquette Hello, welcome to the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast community spotlight episode one. today. We’re excited we have Allan, Alarcon, general manager at That 1 Painter. How’re you doing, Allan? Allan Alarcon Hey, buddy. I’m doing good. Thanks for having me. Damien Niquette Good. Excellent. We’re, we’re happy to have you. So how’s uh, how’s business? […]

Spider Bites The Size of Austin Texas

Hello, this is Damian with the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast. I want to thank for tuning in today. You know, today I want to talk to you about spider bites. You know, in the pest control industry, we get numerous calls every year of folks that are concerned about spiders and think they’re getting bitten […]

Guide to Roof Rats in Texas: What You Need to Know

Hello, this is Damian again, I want to welcome you to the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast today. Today I want to talk to you all about rodents and specifically the roof rat. Roof Rats in Austin Texas You know, roof rats have been an issue for many, many years, of course, they traditionally had been […]

In Austin Texas, How Often Should You Get Pest Control Service

How Often Should You Get Pest Control Services For Your Home?   Hello, this is Damon Niquette and I want to welcome to the EvoFoam Pest Control podcast today. I want to thank you for tuning in today. You know, there’s been a topic that’s been on my mind recently, just because I get an […]

Scorpions Are In Austin Texas, Are Scorpions Bad?

Well today I want to talk about scorpions, you know scorpions, specifically the common striped Scorpion, which is native to Central Texas in the Austin area that we that we frequently see unfortunately, we classified those in the in the pest industry as occasional invaders occasionally come inside or home, typically through gaps, openings and […]